Commerce club

Kristu Jayanti College, firmly believes in producing well rounded personalities. Numerous skills and talents have been unearthed amongst our students and to allow these talents to flourish, numerous clubs, associations and cells have been started for likeminded individuals to meet and polish their skills.

In order to meet the challenging needs of corporate world environment, it is not just sufficient for a student of commerce to be sound theoretically but must also be exposed to the outer world in a dynamic way to face practical situation. Hence, the department not only concentrates on the academic excellence of its students but also nurtures their co-curricular activities to stand with the vision of exploring new horizons together with collective wisdom.

Commerce club was initiated from 2002 to enrich and empower the students with academic and technical excellence. Commerce Club plays a parent’s role in molding and shaping future of individuals of the club to be more ethical and socially responsible citizens of the nation at large and an unique process where the super seniors of the department train, develop and enhance the opportunity to learn from each other.

* To expose students to meet the practical challenges in the current business scenario.
* To let the students interact with business experts of industry.
* To encourage students to become event managers.
* To build self-confidence and proactive approach.
* To increase financial literacy among students.
* To create entrepreneurs.

Activities of Commerce Club

Faculty Coordinators
Mr. Shashi Kumar.M
Ms. Glady Agnes L
Ms. Vineetha Vijiyan
Mr. Santosh V

Student Coordinators
Mr. Robin Roy (Final year B.Com E)
Ms. Sneha Sebastian.( Final year B.Com ACCA)
Mr. Joel B Shaji(Final year B.Com Professional)
Ms. Anusha Binu Kalathil (Final year B.Com A)

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students of 1st and 2nd year to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and making them ready to face the corporate world.

The department of Commerce organizes, “EXCELSIOR” an intra-collegiate fest conducted in the odd semester of every year. Excelsior has been a milestone in the way to the student’s overall growth. It has also created a path to success, imbibing in the students the quality of managing the given resources. It allows the participants to explore their creativity and business receptivity, but it also provides a platform to exhibit textbook managerial practices in a more realistic and personal environment, thus strengthening and confirming their understanding of core concepts.

The fest, with the theme “GREEN COM’ features the events Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Public Relation, Travel Guide, EDP, Business Quiz, Mock stock .Over a week all the students were put through the test and the final round was conducted on 20th and 21st August, 2018. This event aspires you to bring out the talented innovative minds of tomorrow thus along with academics they must have knowledge, intellect and communication skills required to compete in this cut-through competitive world. Each event with its own unique aspects influences the students.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students from other colleges to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and make them ready to face the corporate world.

The department of Commerce organizes, “Adroit” an inter-collegiate fest conducted in the even semester of every year. Adroit has been a milestone in the way to the student’s overall growth. It has also created a path to success, imbibing in the students the quality of managing the given resources. It allows the participants to explore their creativity and business receptivity, but it also provides a platform to exhibit textbook managerial practices in a more realistic and personal environment, thus strengthening and confirming their understanding of core concepts.

The fest, with the theme “RAIDERS’ features the events Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Public Relation, Business Quiz, Mock stock and the Contingent Event. The Contingent comprises of the best Manager, finance, marketing and human resource participants coming together and competing.

Objective: The main objective of the exhibition was to showcase the talents and innovative skills of the Commerce Students.

VanijyaDarpan 2018 is the annual Intra Collegiate Commerce Exhibition hosted by the Department of Commerce of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). This event focuses on creating a platform for the students to showcase their creativity and to bring their academic knowledge into application. The event presented an avenue for students to showcase their skills and creativity providing an opportunity for students to grow and develop their talents and bring out their best flair in the field of their choice. Learning from experience or learning by doing is one of the most important tool for learning. The premise of experiential learning is that individuals create knowledge through the transformation of their lived experiences into existing cognitive frameworks, thus causing individuals to change the way they think and express.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students of 1st and 2nd year to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and making them ready to face the corporate world.

Excelsior an intra-collegiate fest, organized by the Department of Commerce (UG) of Kristu Jayanti College every year, gives a platform to demonstrate the hidden professionalism to showcase their skills and virtues in the various fields of respective events. It gives students the exposure to a mock corporate world and carves them to tackle stress, build inter personal relationship and manage time.

The fest, with the theme “Divergencia Implicito” featured the events Finance, Business Quiz, EDP, Public Relations, Travel Guide Mock Stock, Human Resource, Marketing and Best Manager. The final rounds of the events happened on 29th of August for the first years and 30th of August, 2017 for the second years.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students from other colleges to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and make them ready to face the corporate world.

The department of Commerce organizes, “Adroit” an inter-collegiate fest conducted in the even semester of every year. Adroit has been a milestone in the way to the student’s overall growth. It has also created a path to success, imbibing in the students the quality of managing the given resources. It allows the participants to explore their creativity and business receptivity, but it also provides a platform to exhibit textbook managerial practices in a more realistic and personal environment, thus strengthening and confirming their understanding of core concepts.

The fest, with the theme “GLOBUS’ features the events Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Public Relation, Business Quiz, Mock stock and the Contingent Event. The Contingent comprises of the best Manager, finance, marketing and human resource participants coming together and competing.

Objective: The main objective of the exhibition was to showcase the talents and innovative skills of the Commerce Students.

VanijyaDarpan 2017 is the annual Intra Collegiate Commerce Exhibition hosted by the Department of Commerce of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). This event focuses on creating a platform for the students to showcase their creativity and to bring their academic knowledge into application. The event presented an avenue for students to showcase their skills and creativity providing an opportunity for students to grow and develop their talents and bring out their best flair in the field of their choice. Learning from experience or learning by doing is one the most important tool for learning. The premise of experiential learning is that individuals create knowledge through the transformation of their lived experiences into existing cognitive frameworks, thus causing individuals to change the way they think and express.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students of 1st and 2nd year to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and making them ready to face the corporate world.

Excelsior an intra collegiate fest, organized by the Department of Commerce (UG) of Kristu Jayanti College every year, gives a platform to demonstrate the hidden professionalism to showcase their skills and virtues in the various fields of respective events. It gives students the exposure to a mock corporate world and carves them to tackle stress, build inter personal relationship and manage time. Excelsior 2016 with the theme “OLYMPUS- “Race For Ace” showed the tribute to the forgotten ancient Greek games which gave the foundation of present day OLYMPICS. The events witnessed this year were Best Manager, Public Relation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Business Quiz, Mock Stock and Travel Guide.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students from other colleges to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and make them ready to face the corporate world.

Adroit- 2017 was hosted with the objective of building a conceptual model as a bridge between theory and practice towards imparting the skills of leadership to the students in the handling of different crises, time-management between different events and rounds, adaptability in managing between diverse situations, team- building through a wide range of synergy bands, communication in presentation and diplomacy in negotiation with complete professionalism in management and interaction.

Objective: The main objective of the exhibition was to showcase the talents and innovative skills of the Commerce Students.

VanijyaDarpan 2017 is the annual Intra Collegiate Commerce Exhibition hosted by the Department of Commerce of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). This event focuses on creating a platform for the students to showcase their creativity and to bring their academic knowledge into application. The event presented an avenue for students to showcase their skills and creativity providing an opportunity for students to grow and develop their talents and bring out their best flair in the field of their choice. Learning from experience or learning by doing is one the most important tool for learning. The premise of experiential learning is that individuals create knowledge through the transformation of their lived experiences into existing cognitive frameworks, thus causing individuals to change the way they think and express.

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students of 1st and 2nd year to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and making them ready to face the corporate world.

Excelsior’, an Intra-Collegiate Commerce Fest 2015 organised by the Department of Commerce (UG) was inaugurated on 14th September, 2015. Excelsior is an event which is designed to provide a common platform to learn entrepreneurial, managerial and marketing skills that will give an in-depth knowledge and experience about the corporate world..

Objective: It is organized to provide an opportunity for students from other colleges to showcase their talents by participating in the fest and make them ready to face the corporate world.

Adroit 2016 is themed after the Samurais (Japanese warriors) best known for their self-discipline and service to nobility. “The Dawn of Supremacy” boasts of seven qualities possessed by a samurai which are justice, courage, honor, politeness, honesty, loyalty and self-control. Each participant dawns a role for himself / herself defending his / her college showcasing the above qualities in the pursuit of becoming “the supreme samurai”.

Objective: The main objective of the exhibition was to showcase the talents and innovative skills of the Commerce Students.

VanijyaDarpan 2016 is the annual Intra Collegiate Commerce Exhibition hosted by the Department of Commerce of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). This event focuses on creating a platform for the students to showcase their creativity and to bring their academic knowledge into application. The event presented an avenue for students to showcase their skills and creativity providing an opportunity for students to grow and develop their talents and bring out their best flair in the field of their choice. Learning from experience or learning by doing is one the most important tool for learning. The premise of experiential learning is that individuals create knowledge through the transformation of their lived experiences into existing cognitive frameworks, thus causing individuals to change the way they think and express.

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