
Getting to know once own culture and the others culture is an important part of an individuals growth. Celebrations are the biggest milestones of cultural continuity. In India, celebrations are equally diverse and multifaceted as compared to its multi-cultural population. This multi-lingual abode is known for its frequent indulgence in celebrations. India is well known all over the world as a country of cultural and traditional festivals as it has many cultures and religions. Understanding the significance of celebration the College encourage the students to actively participate in various festivals.

Celebration Committee Members
Dr. Jyothi Manoj
Ms. Soumya Simon
Ms. Anurupa Bhattacharjee
Dr. Aparna Ashok
Mr. John Pradeep Kumar
Ms. K Opika
Mr. Mohamed Nayaz Pasha
Ms. Pushpa A
Dr. Raju V
Ms. Rukmini Kakoty
Dr. Sakila Nongmeikapam
Dr. Saranya S
Ms. Smitha Mary Sebastian
Mr. Stephen I
Mr. Tinto Tom
Dr. V.S. Prakash

 Student Life