
Bhavishyajyothi is a student initiative program to support the underprivileged, economically backward, orphan or single parent children. Under this program Kothanur and Narayanapur govt school and camping areas are covered. The main aim of this program is to encourage children to continue their education and reduce the number of school drop outs. In this program funds are collected from Jayantian and utilized for providing tuition fees, books, uniforms, regular follow up expenses, personality development workshops, health checkups, computer education, etc...

Bhavishyajyothi- An Initiative to Support Underprivileged Students
Date: 18 to 20 April 2024
The Centre for Social Activities (CSA) and Jayantian Extension Services (JES) had organized Bhavishya Jyothi Campaign from 18th to 20th April, 2024. The event was inaugurated by Fr. Jais V Thomas. In this program, funds were collected from Jayantians and utilized for providing tuition fees, books, uniforms, regular follow-up expenses, personality development workshops, health checkups, and computer education. At the end of the event, Fr. Jais V Thomas congratulated all the CSA volunteers for taking this social initiative to support children by contributing to their tuition fees, books, uniforms, health checkups, etc.

The Centre for Social Activities (CSA), Jayantian Extension Services (JES), and Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organized the Bhavishyajyothi Campaign, from the 20th to 25th of March 2023. The Bhavishyajyothi event was inaugurated by Fr. Jais V Thomas. The Campaign was organized at St. Chavara Square. Bhavishyajyothi is a student initiative program to support underprivileged, economically backward, orphan, or single-parent children. Under this program, Kothanur and Narayanapura government schools and camping areas are covered. CSA volunteers performed dance, skit, and mime by depicting the theme of Bhavisyajyothi. Along with this, CSA volunteers organized food stalls at the open cafeteria and a gaming stall at St. Chavara Square in order to raise funds through which the profits made out of these stalls will be donated to Bhavisyajyothi. Day 2 of Bhavishya Jyothi 2023 is filled with more exciting activities. CSA volunteers performed a mime by depicting the theme of Bhavishya Jyothi 2023. The Mime performed by CSA volunteers created awareness among Jayantians about the true struggle of a rural kid in becoming a doctor by taking assistance from his landlord. The program's success is attributed to the dedication and hard work of volunteers who organize events such as solo singing performances and food and gaming stalls. The program's impact on the lives of children is evident in the reduced number of school dropouts and the opportunities it has provided for children to learn and grow. The primary aim of this program is to encourage children to continue their education and reduce the number of school dropouts. To achieve this goal, the program relies on the collection of funds from Jayantians. These funds are utilized to provide the children with various essential resources, including tuition fees, books, uniforms, and computer education. Additionally, the program also covers other follow-up expenses such as personality development workshops, health checkups, and other related costs. Volunteers performed group dance and group singing to gather an audience.

Center for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College under the banner of Bhavishyajyothi distributed educational materials like books, bags, and green boards to the students of Government Higher Primary school, Kothanur, on 6th march 2020.

Bhavishyajyothi is a student initiative program of Kristu Jayanti College for the underprivileged, economically backward, orphan or single parent children. It aims at quality education by providing educational materials like books, bags, uniforms and other stationary items, Medical support, computer education etc. The program is funded by management, students, faculty members and alumni Rev. Fr Emanuel, Director, Jayantian Extention Services and Kristu Jayanti College of Law shared his schooling experience and directed students not stop education at any circumstances. Mrs.Usharani, HM Government Higher primary school gave the feedback highlighting increase in admissions and student’s attendance is stable after associating with Center for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College. Mr. Manjunath.S, Coordinators, Center for Social Activities, Mr.Chandrashekar N, programme coordinator, and student volunteers were present on the occasion.

Center for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College had taken the initiative to support economically backward students under the banner of BHAVISHYA JYOTHI program on 28 September 2018. Stationary items like books and bags were distributed to 100 students of Government Primary school, Narayanpura.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel, Director for Jayantian Extension Services, Kristu Jayanti College said, ‘do not stop your education under any circumstances.’ Mrs. Hemalatha, Head Mistress of Government primary school Narayanapura said dropouts have been reduced and attendance is stable after the schools’ association with Center for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College. Faculty members of CSA Mr. Chandrashekar N, Mr. Manjunath.S, Mr. Chandrashekar R S, and student volunteers were present.

Centre for Social Activities (CSA) of Kristu Jayanti College had organized Bhavishya Jyoti program on 15th August 2017 at K. Narayanapura Government School. Bhavishya Jyothi program is a student initiated social development program for providing educational sponsorship. As per the need of the school, CSA donated 300 note books and sports materials (throw ball, volleyball, skipping, Ring, Cricket Bat, Tennis Ball and bat, Carom board, Chess board etc.). Rev. Fr. Emmanuel P J, faculty, department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College addressed the students and distributed the materials. Ms. Hemalatha H M of GHPS, K. Narayanapura and CSA staff coordinators Mr. Chandrashekar N, Mr. Manjunath S., Dr. Excelce, Mr. Raghavendra Babu, Mr. Naveen Kumar, and Mr. Venkateshappa along with 52 CSA volunteers was present. Below table explains the amount collected from students and Faculty members.

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