Youth Red Cross

The Red Cross's very motto, "Service to Society" is carried out by its members, who are the builders of the nation.
All YRC efforts are guided by three fundamental principles:

  • Promotion of health and life
  • Service to the sick and the suffering
  • Promotion of national and international friendship to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth

The Club
The Youth Red Cross Society at Kristu Jayanti College was initiated in 2021, and presently, more than 300 volunteers are actively involved in social activities. The Youth Red Cross assists students in developing discipline and understanding their obligations to their countrymen, particularly the underprivileged and needy.

Youth Red Cross focuses on encouraging our nation's youth to take care of their own and others' health, understand and accept their civic duties, and act in accordance with humanitarian concerns to fulfill those duties and promote growth and development. The sole purpose of the Youth Red Cross Society is to assist those who are in need without regard to caste, religion, language, or nationality.

List of Coordinators

Name of the Coordinators



Mr. Dhanapal C



Dr. Mary Raymer



Dr. Eshan M R



Ms. Sumalatha A

Computer Science


Ms. Sheethal Aji Mani

Computer Science


Ms. Deenu Nadayil

Professional Accounting & Finance

Activities for the Academic Year
1. Orientation on YRC for the freshers
2. World Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic
3. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
4. Expert Talk on Health Care – Nutrition, Dental, Mental & Physical
5. Expert Talk on Humanitarian Services
6. International AIDS Day
7. International Volunteers Day
8. Online Certificate Course on YRC activities from IFRC to get more knowledge through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
9. Blood Donation Camp in Collaboration with CSA, NSS, and KCDC
10. First Aid Training to the YRC Volunteers
11. Poster Making Competitions and Quiz
12. KJC –Blood Donors Forum – Developing the database of the Blood Donors from entire KJC Volunteers

Right to Health: Empowering Every Voice
Date: 03 to 08 April 2024
The Youth Red Cross of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru Celebrates World Health Day with "Right to Health: Empowering Every Voice" Initiative
Commemorating World Health Day
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) organized a week-long event titled "My Health, My Right" from April 3rd to April 8th, 2024, in honor of World Health Day. The program aimed to educate, inspire, and engage students in health promotion.

The event featured a poster awareness campaign addressing various health topics such as cleanliness, healthy cooking, fitness, online health resources, and preventive healthcare. Students actively participated by creating and displaying handmade posters on these themes. Additionally, YRC volunteers organized competitions, including quizzes, poetry writing, poster making, and photography, all focusing on health promotion.

Enhancing Human Rights Education
In line with the event's theme of empowerment, YRC volunteers were encouraged to participate in an online course titled "What are Human Rights?" offered by United for Human Rights (UHR), an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting human rights education globally. We are proud to announce that 130 YRC volunteers (2023-2024) successfully completed the course.

Program Goals
The program aimed to achieve several objectives, including:
Raising awareness of key health issues
Encouraging students to adopt healthy behaviors
Providing accessible healthcare information
Inspiring community-based health initiatives
Fostering inclusive dialogues about health

By engaging students in these activities, the YRC successfully promoted a culture of health awareness and well-being.

Expert talk on “Human Rights: A perspective of India”
Date: 12 April 2024
The Youth Red Cross of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, organized an expert talk on the topic "Human Rights: A Perspective of India." The session featured Mr. Hemanth Kumar V, a distinguished criminal lawyer practicing in the High Court of Bangalore, as the keynote speaker. The event aimed to shed light on the various dimensions of human rights within the Indian context, addressing pertinent legal aspects and societal implications. A total of 63 students actively participated in the event, showcasing significant interest and engagement in the subject matter. Mr. Hemanth Kumar V elucidated the fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution, emphasizing their importance in upholding human dignity and equality before the law. The speaker provided insights into the legal framework governing human rights in India, highlighting landmark legislations, judicial precedents, and international conventions influencing the country's approach towards human rights. Participants engaged in discussions regarding the challenges faced in the effective enforcement of human rights in India, including issues related to access to justice, discrimination, and socio-economic disparities. Mr. Hemanth Kumar V offered pragmatic solutions and legal perspectives to address these challenges, fostering a constructive dialogue among attendees. The session underscored the pivotal role of youth in advocating for human rights, promoting awareness, and driving positive societal change. Participants were encouraged to actively contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights in their communities.

YRCW Visits Home of Hope: Educating Youth Through Service
Date: 10 March 2024
Place Visited: Home of Hope, Doddagubbi Village, Bangalore.
The Youth Red Cross volunteers of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), visited the Home of Hope NGO on March 10th, 2024. This visit aimed to educate young people on humanitarian values through hands-on experiences and raise awareness about both YRCW and Home of Hope's missions.

Guided by YRC core team members, the volunteers learned about the challenges faced by residents at Home of Hope. Fun and engaging games fostered positive connections and skill development for the children. The visit concluded with a gift distribution, bringing smiles to all the children's faces.

This visit not only instilled humanitarian values in the YRC volunteers but also created lasting positive impacts through skill development and emotional connections with the children. This exemplifies the spirit of service and compassion upheld by the Jayantian community.

Commemorating Zero Discrimination Day 2024: Advocacy through Art
Date: 01 March 2024
The Youth Red Cross wing of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) is delighted to share with you the inspiring celebration of Zero Discrimination Day on March 1, 2024, orchestrated by our dedicated Youth Red Cross (YRC) volunteers. Through captivating posters, expressive dance performances, and poignant mime acts, our volunteers united to raise awareness and advocate for equality and inclusion.

The event, held with zeal, served as a powerful platform to address the pressing issue of discrimination in our society. With creativity and passion, our volunteers conveyed messages of acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.

As we commemorate Zero Discrimination Day, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a world free from prejudice and bias. Together, let us continue to stand in solidarity against discrimination and work towards building a more equitable and compassionate future for all.

Join us in celebrating diversity, promoting inclusion, and advocating for a world where every person is treated with dignity and respect.

Expert Talk on Basic Life Support Training
Date: 29 February 2024
Youth Red Cross Wing of Kristu Jayanti College in association with the dept of Commerce organized a basic life support training program on 29th February 2024 at Kristu Jayanti College, A1 Auditorium. The event was organized by the youth Red Cross volunteers to create empower students with life-saving skills, increasing community engagement and awareness. It encourages teamwork, and leadership among participants, helping them to respond effectively to emergencies. We had a distinguished resources person, Dr. Harish KS, a Senior Doctor heading the emergency department of Aster RV Hospital

The event was organized by the youth Red Cross volunteers and by the youth Red Cross faculty coordinator Prof. Kenneth Wilson Bavachan. The master of ceremony was executed by Miss. Arya S Nair.

The welcome address was done by miss. Krishnendu Manoj. The resource person Dr Harish K S. has delivered a knowledgeable session on the objective, requirement and necessity of basic life support. He had conducted a very interactive session with the students, where the students were able to interact communicate and demonstrate the actions that should be taken practically in a basic life support (BLS) scenario. Vote of thanks was done by Mr. Alwin Antony.

Network Nirvana -02 (Connecting, Innovating, Leading)
Date: 22 February 2024
We are pleased to announce the successful continuation of our inaugural event, Network Nirvana, orchestrated by the final year YRC core team members for the second-year YRC volunteers of Kristu Jayanti College. Following the resounding success of our initial endeavor, Network Nirvana made its triumphant return on February 22, 2024, at our college grounds, invigorated under the theme "Connect. Innovate. Lead."

Expanding upon the groundwork established by our previous event, Network Nirvana aimed to deepen interpersonal connections among students, foster innovative thinking, and cultivate leadership qualities within our vibrant student community. Through an array of interactive activities and stimulating discussions, our objective was to provide a platform for collaborative engagement and individual development.

Notable highlights of the event included Speed Networking sessions, facilitating meaningful one-on-one interactions, as well as the Group Introduction and Compliment activity, which promoted a culture of mutual support and inclusivity. Additionally, the beloved Unity activity, a feature from our inaugural event, once again encouraged teamwork and unleashed creativity among participants.

The outcomes of Network Nirvana were both tangible and profound. Participants reported strengthened connections, the emergence of innovative concepts, and the refinement of robust leadership skills. The event not only fostered a sense of camaraderie but also empowered students to apply their newfound abilities across various aspects of their academic and personal endeavors.

Compassionate Connections: Empowering Youth Red Cross Volunteers for Meaningful Engagement with PLHIV/CLHIV
Date: 20 February 2024
We are pleased to announce the successful culmination of our recent endeavor, titled "Compassionate Connections: Empowering Youth Red Cross Volunteers for Meaningful Engagement with PLHIV/CLHIV." This transformative initiative, hosted at Kristu Jayanti College, was designed to provide our Youth Red Cross volunteers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and empathy to engage meaningfully with Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Children Living with HIV (CLHIV).

Throughout the program, participants actively participated in discussions, interactive sessions, and skit performances aimed at highlighting the challenges faced by the HIV-affected community. Guided by esteemed resource person Dr. Sathish Kumar R, from the Faculty Department of Social Work at Kristu Jayanti College, and facilitated by our dedicated volunteers, the initiative offered invaluable insights into supporting and advocating for individuals affected by HIV.

As we draw this initiative to a close, we take pride in the heightened awareness, empathy, and understanding cultivated among our volunteers. We remain steadfast in our commitment to furthering efforts to foster a more compassionate and inclusive society, where all individuals receive the support and empowerment they need to thrive. Stay connected for updates on our ongoing initiatives and opportunities for you to join us in making a positive impact in our community.

Network Nirvana (Connecting, Innovating, Leading)
Date: 07 February 2024
The Youth Red Cross of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) is delighted to share the impressive outcomes of our recent event, Network Nirvana. This event was meticulously organized by the final year YRC core team members for the first-year YRC volunteers of Kristu Jayanti College. Taking place on February 7, 2024, at our college grounds, Network Nirvana proved to be a remarkable success, embodying the essence of "Connect. Innovate. Lead." Our main aim with Network Nirvana was to cultivate connections among students, stimulate innovation, and nurture leadership qualities within our dynamic student body. Through a range of interactive activities and discussions, we established a vibrant platform for collaboration and individual development.

One highlight of the event was the Speed Networking sessions, where participants engaged in short, timed one-on-one conversations, allowing for meaningful interactions with multiple peers. Additionally, our Group Intro and Compliment activity encouraged students to introduce themselves and share compliments, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

The Unity activity was another crowd favorite, where students worked together in teams to create a single diagram without lifting the pen, showcasing creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. The outcomes of Network Nirvana were truly inspiring. Participants reported strengthened connections, the generation of innovative ideas, and enhanced leadership capabilities. Moreover, the event fostered a sense of community and inspired students to apply their newfound skills in various aspects of their academic and personal lives.

Thank you to all who participated in Network Nirvana, contributing to its success and leaving a lasting impact on our student community.

Expert talk on Myths and Facts about Cancer: Empowering Knowledge for National Cancer Awareness Day
Date: 27 November 2023
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) of Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, took a significant stride in enlightening and empowering its volunteers by organizing an expert talk focused on dispelling myths and presenting facts about cancer. This enlightening event was specifically curated for our dedicated Youth Red Cross Volunteers, held on November 7th, 2023.

The program was graced by the esteemed presence of Prof. Dr. Sridhar P.S, MD, DNB, MNAMS, Director of CyberKnife and Senior Consultant in Radiation Oncology at Health Care Global, Bangalore, as the distinguished resource person.

Addressing the theme "Myths and Facts about Cancer: Empowering Knowledge for National Cancer Awareness Day," the session aimed to debunk misconceptions surrounding cancer while equipping our volunteers with accurate information. Dr. Sridhar P.S, with his extensive expertise and experience, delved into the complexities of cancer, shedding light on prevalent myths and presenting factual insights that are crucial in fostering a better understanding of this disease. By providing comprehensive and evidence-based information, the session aimed to empower our volunteers with knowledge that is instrumental in not only dispelling myths but also in bolstering awareness efforts on National Cancer Awareness Day.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Sridhar P.S for his invaluable insights and dedication to enlightening and empowering our volunteers with accurate information about cancer.

Expert talk on National Cancer Awareness Day
Date: 27 November 2023
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) of Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, marked a pivotal moment in its pursuit of knowledge and community service by organizing an insightful expert talk on National Cancer Awareness Day. This significant event was conducted on November 7th, 2023, exclusively tailored for our esteemed Youth Red Cross Volunteers.

We were honored to have Dr. Naveen Thomas, Consultant in General & Paediatric Surgery and Senior Advisor, Head of Networking and Development at Bangalore Baptist Hospital, as the distinguished resource person for this enlightening session.

National Cancer Awareness Day holds immense significance globally, reminding us of the profound impact of cancer and the urgency to address it collectively. The program focused on various dimensions of cancer, including its prevalence, preventive measures, early detection strategies, available treatment options, and the indispensable role of support in the journey towards healing.

Dr. Naveen Thomas, with his extensive expertise and experience, eloquently navigated through the complexities of cancer, providing valuable insights and enlightening our volunteers with a comprehensive understanding of this critical health concern. The session aimed not only to increase awareness but also to equip our volunteers with the necessary knowledge and tools to become advocates in the fight against cancer within their communities.

We extend our sincere appreciation to Dr. Naveen Thomas for sharing his expertise and empowering our Youth Red Cross Volunteers with invaluable information and inspiration on National Cancer Awareness Day.

Expert Talk on Empowering Youth Red Cross Volunteers: Their Pivotal Role in Humanitarian Services for Society
Date: 27 October 2023
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) of Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, took a significant stride towards empowering and inspiring its volunteers through an enlightening expert talk on "Empowering Youth Red Cross Volunteers: Their Pivotal Role in Humanitarian Services for Society." This impactful event, held on October 27, 2023, was specifically tailored for our dedicated Youth Red Cross Volunteers.

We were honored to have Dr. Eshan M R, the esteemed Youth Red Cross Coordinator and Assistant Professor in the Department of Management (UG) at Kristu Jayanti College, as the distinguished resource person for this insightful session.

The expert talk aimed to highlight and fortify the indispensable role played by Youth Red Cross Volunteers in driving meaningful change within society. Dr. Eshan M R, with his profound experience and expertise in humanitarian efforts, shared invaluable insights, strategies, and inspiration to empower these young volunteers, emphasizing their crucial role in humanitarian services.

Discussions during the session revolved around various aspects of volunteerism and its impact on community welfare. Dr. Eshan M R delved into diverse topics, ranging from community engagement to disaster response, health initiatives, and social welfare programs. The objective was to equip our volunteers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to become proactive contributors to societal well-being.

By nurturing and empowering our Youth Red Cross Volunteers, we endeavor to shape a compassionate and proactive generation committed to serving society's needs.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Eshan M R for his invaluable guidance and all the participants whose engagement made this expert talk an enlightening and enriching experience.

World Food Day - A Week Long Programme
Date: 22 to 27 October 2023
The Youth Red Cross at Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous embarked on a remarkable initiative, dedicating a comprehensive week-long program from October 22, 2023, to October 27, 2023, to observe "World Food Day." The theme, "Water is Life, Water is Food, Leave No One Behind," underscored the crucial role of water in ensuring global food security.

The World Food Day Awareness Campaign aimed to instill a sense of responsibility and awareness among students regarding the importance of food and water, both globally and within their own communities. This initiative encouraged active participation through various creative activities and community engagement. Participants had the flexibility to choose from a diverse range of activities, fostering creativity and unity among participants. The categories included Slogan Writing, Digital Poster Making, Drawing, Essay Writing, Speech, Short Video, Poem, Skit, Mime, and Quiz.

Students formed teams for their chosen activities, promoting collaboration and creativity. On-campus engagement included posters, drawings to raise awareness about World Food Day. Additionally, participants were required to conduct simple activities in their neighborhoods to promote the importance of food and water. The World Food Day Awareness Campaign successfully met its objectives, encouraging students to actively engage in creative activities and spread awareness about the importance of food and water. The community engagement aspect brought the message to the grassroots level, fostering a sense of responsibility within the neighborhood.

Blood Donation Day Celebration
Date: 05 October 2023
The Youth Red Cross Wing at Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous was honored to be part of the YRC event organized by the Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch, in observance of National Voluntary Blood Donation Day on October 5, 2023. Our esteemed Chief Guest for the event was Sri. Dinesh Gundu Rao, the respected Hon'ble Minister of the Department of Health and Family Welfare. The formal session, held from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, provided a platform for all guests to share their insights on the significance of the day and outlined future functions and activities to be conducted. They were also felicitated with gifts for the outstanding performance done by different institutions and companies.

The valedictory ceremony not only celebrated the students' active participation but also emphasized the lasting impact of their contributions. It showcased the collective efforts of our dedicated students who played a pivotal role in the success of the Blood Donation Day celebration. Their enthusiasm and proactive participation added vibrant energy to the event, reflecting the college's ethos of social responsibility and community engagement.

During the valedictory ceremony, the students' contributions were acknowledged and appreciated. They were lauded for their dedication and commitment to the cause of voluntary blood donation. Their involvement not only highlighted their sense of responsibility but also emphasized the significant role young individual’s play in fostering a culture of giving and compassion. Following the well-organized formal function, the YRC Karnataka branch graciously extended their support. The Core Team Volunteers of Kristu Jayanti College had the privilege to engage in meaningful conversations with key executives and chairpersons of the YRC Karnataka branch, further strengthening our collaborative efforts for future endeavors.

Blood Donation Camp
Date: 06 September 2023
The Youth Red Cross of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) proudly organized a transformative Blood Donation Camp on September 6, 2023, at the Humanities Block, exemplifying the spirit of altruism and community engagement. This event marked a significant milestone in Kristu Jayanti College's commitment to social responsibility and dedication to making a positive impact on the well-being of the community. Enthusiastic participation from students, faculty, and staff created a vibrant atmosphere of compassion and generosity, emphasizing the invaluable role each donor plays in saving lives through voluntary blood donation.

This initiative was made possible through collaboration with esteemed blood banks, including BMST Blood Bank, Lions Blood Bank, NIMHANS Blood Bank, Sanjeevini Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross Society - Karnataka Red Cross Blood Bank, and Hemocare Blood Bank. Their support and involvement were instrumental in ensuring the success of the event, providing expertise and resources to facilitate a seamless donation process. The college community showcased remarkable unity, with 1200 blood donors, including 193 from Youth Red Cross Volunteers, generously contributing to the cause. The diversity of participants highlighted the inclusive nature of the event, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of those in need.

The collected blood will serve as a lifeline for patients in critical need of medical assistance. The success of this initiative not only reflects the college's dedication to humanitarian causes but also showcases the power of collective action in addressing essential community health needs. Inspired by the success of this blood donation camp, Kristu Jayanti College is determined to continue organizing impactful initiatives in the future. The college remains steadfast in its mission to contribute positively to the community's well-being and eagerly anticipates ongoing support from its members.

Youth Red Cross Online Certificate Course
No of Students: 204 YRC Volunteers
Batch: 2021-2024
Course Name: First Aid for Adults
Course Provider: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Web Link:
Academic Year: 2022-2023

Healthy Adventures for World Healthy Day
Date: 15 April, 2023
On April 15, 2023, in commemoration of World Health Day, the Youth Red Cross organized an event promoting the benefits of health and hygiene through outdoor activities, aimed at helping volunteers promote health and hygiene by creating posters and placards on topics such as Cleanliness Drive, Plantation Drive, Cooking Challenge, Fitness Challenge, Online Health Challenge, Art or Poster making, and Health Quiz competition.

Many YRC volunteers participated in the Cleanliness Drive activity, which aimed to raise awareness among students about the benefits of cleanliness. As part of the campaign, the volunteers distributed pamphlets and interacted with people to educate them about the importance of maintaining cleanliness in public places. Some volunteers also took part in the Plantation Drive, which aimed to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of planting trees. Others participated in the Fitness Challenge, encouraging people to engage in physical activities like running, cycling, or yoga to promote healthy habits and an active lifestyle.

Soft Skills Training on Power of one
Date: 29 March, 2023
The Youth Red Cross Wing of Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous organized a "Soft Skills Training Session on the Power of One" in collaboration with the Centre for Soft Skills and Aptitude Training (CSSAT) on March 29, 2023, in the M1 Auditorium from 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM. The session began with a welcome address delivered by one of the CSSAT student coordinators, followed by a soft skills training session delivered by the resource person, Dr. Nidhi Raj Gupta, from the Department of Professional Accounting & Finance at Kristu Jayanti College.

The soft skills training on the "Power of One" aimed to help individuals build confidence, self-awareness, and effective communication skills. The training focused on the idea that every individual has the power to make a difference and inspire others through their actions and words. Overall, the session was a valuable investment for individuals looking to enhance their personal and professional development. The session was well-conducted, which enabled the volunteers to have an interactive session and share different perspectives and ideas.

Expert Talk on Social Awareness and Relationship Skills
Date: 2 March, 2023
On March 23, 2023, the Youth Red Cross Wing of Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous organized a program called "Social Awareness and Relationship Skills" in the M3 Auditorium from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The program started with a welcome address from a student volunteer, followed by a felicitation given by Assistant Professor Mr.Dhanapal C from the Department of Commerce at Kristu Jayanti College.

The program's main attraction was a session led by the resource person of the event, Dr. C.H. Raja Kamal, an assistant professor in the Department of Commerce at Kristu Jayanti College. His session was engaging and informative, covering objectives, requirements, social norms and expectations, recognizing social cues, nonverbal communication, and understanding and respecting different perspectives and cultures, as well as the importance of social awareness and relationship skills.

Overall, the program was well-conducted, enabling volunteers to have an interactive session and share different perspectives and ideas.

Expert Talk of RED CROSS WING
Date: 21 March, 2023
The Expert Talk on “Civic Leadership” was held on 21st March 2023 in the M2 Auditorium in the Main Block at 10 AM. Mr.Manjunath, the coordinator of KCDC, Kristu Jayanti College, delivered the talk. The function started with a silent prayer. Professor Manjunath highlighted the important elements such as knowledge, skills, commitment, and network which are essential for Civic leadership.

Youth Red Cross Orientation
Date: 21 March, 2023
The orientation Programme on Youth Red Cross wing activities was held on 19th October 2022 in the M2 Auditorium, Main Block. The function started with a silent prayer followed by the addressing speech by Rev. Fr. Deepu Joy, Director- Student Welfare Office. Resource Person, Prof. Dhanapal has given the orientation to the Kristu Jayanti Youth Red Cross student volunteers. In his session, sir has mentioned the motto, The Principles of YRC, Objectives, Emblems and Symbols used, Achievements etc. Sir has also reminded the students about the guidelines of Skill Enhancement Course – YRC, its components, evaluation, Rubrics and Online Sessions. Sir concluded the session by mentioning YRC activities planned for the academic year 2022-2023.After the addressing speech pledge has been taken which the students and the faculties recited.

First Aid Awareness Program
Date: 25 February, 2023
The Youth Red Cross Wing of Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous organized a First Aid Awareness Programme on February 25th, 2023, in the M3 Auditorium from 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM. The programme aimed to raise awareness about the importance of first-aid training, and was attended by students, faculty, and volunteers from the college.

The session began with a welcome address by one of the student volunteers, followed by felicitation by Asst. Prof. Dhanapal C from the Department of Commerce. The highlight of the programme was a session delivered by Dr. Nagarjun K P, Lead First Aid Faculty Trainer & Surgeon Examiner for "The INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY," who shared valuable insights about the objectives, requirements, and the necessity of First Aid Training.

The session was interactive, allowing participants to share their perspectives and ideas about first aid, while Dr. Nagarjun answered their queries and concerns. The participants gained knowledge and skills on how to provide basic first aid in emergencies, and how to respond effectively to a medical crisis.

Overall, the programme was a great success and served as an important step towards promoting awareness and building capacity for first aid among students and volunteers. The Youth Red Cross Wing hopes to organize similar events in the future to continue their efforts toward creating a safer and healthier community.

Expert Lecture on Organ Donation
Date: 20 February, 2023
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) Wing in association with the Department of Social Work conducted an Expert Lecture on Organ Donation, which was held on 20th February 2023 in the M1 auditorium of Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). The program was aimed at spreading awareness and knowledge about the objective, requirements, and necessity of organ donation.

The session commenced with a Welcome Address by the students, followed by a Felicitation given by Dr. Jonas Richard, Dept. of Social Work. The resource person, Ms. Lijamol Joseph, Chief Transplant Coordinator (SOTTO), Karnataka, then delivered a knowledgeable session that was highly interactive. The students were able to ask questions and communicate their different perspectives and ideas about organ donation.

Ms. Joseph emphasized the importance of organ donation and the positive impact it can have on society. After the session, she recited the pledge, and the students took an oath affirming their commitment to helping people who are suffering by donating their organs.

The expert lecture on organ donation was highly informative and thought-provoking. It served as a valuable platform for the students to learn about the importance of organ donation and make a positive impact on society. The program was well-conducted, and the YRC Wing in association with the Department of Social Work is committed to organizing similar events in the future to spread awareness about social issues and help create a better world.

Human Chain Formation
Date: October 31, 2022
The Commemoration of National Unity Day was celebrated in Kristu Jayanti College on 31st October 2022. The programme was coordinated by Jayantian Extension Services in association with Department of Commerce. The programme started at 12.50 PM and all students have gathered at the respective locations and formed the chain to represent unity in diversity. Students have brought the posters which depicts the ideas and concepts of unity. At 1.30 PM Students have dispersed.

Expert Talk of RED CROSS WING
Date: October 19, 2022
The Expert Talk the role of “Youth Red Cross volunteers in the society” was held on 19th October 2022 in the M3 Auditorium in the Main Block at 3.30 PM. The talk was delivered by Dr. Jonas Richard A, Head of the department of Social Work, Kristu Jayanti College. The function started with a silent prayer followed by the session was delivered by Dr. Jonas Richard A. Sir started his session by a small activity which was very much interactive with the students and through his speech he reminded the students about the quality of volunteers. He also mentioned about the principles that a Red Cross Volunteer must follow. Sir also mentioned about benefits of being a volunteer.

Orientation on Youth Red Cross Activities
Date: October 19, 2022
The orientation Programme on Youth Red Cross wing activities was held on 19th October 2022 in the M3 Auditorium, Main Block. The function started with a silent prayer followed by the addressing speech by Rev. Fr. Jais V Thomas. Fr. Jais through his speech reminded the students about the need to be empathetic to others. Father also shared his experiences in the different charity activities during his student life and also informed students to develop their friendship in international level through the YRC services.

After the addressing speech, Ms. Deenu Nadayil, faculty of Accounts has lead the pledge which was recited by the students and the faculties. Later, the Resource Person, Prof. Dhanapal has given the orientation to the Kristu Jayanti Youth Red Cross student volunteers. In his session, sir has mentioned the motto, The Principles of YRC, Objectives, Emblems and Symbols used, Achievements etc. Sir has also reminded the students about the guidelines of Skill Enhancement Course – YRC, its components, evaluation, Rubrics and Online Sessions. Sir concluded the session by mentioning YRC activities planned for the academic year 2022-2023.

Later students have done a welcome clapping activity which was taught by Mr. Eshan , faculty of Department of Management and the Orientation Session was concluded by the vote of thanks delivered by the students.

The Inaugration of Youth Red Cross Wing
Date: October 07, 2022
The Inaugural Ceremony of Youth Red Cross (YRC) Wing a part of Jayantian Extension Services was held on 7th October, 2021 in the institute Premises. The function started with a prayer song sung by the college coir, followed by lighting of lamp by dignitaries. Rev.Fr.Emmanuel P.J Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law, Jayantian Extension Services delivered the presidential address. Sir took great pleasure in appreciating the voluteers who were the part of the programme, also cheered the students with his friendly and motivating speech. He encouraged the students to be a part of the YRC wing and serve the society.

During the programme, Sri.A.B. Shetty briefed about the history of YRC, the rules and regulations to be followed under the YRC wing. He also appreciated the college team for taking initiative about the creation of YRC wing in the college. Sir gave an inspiring speech which provoked the students, with his subtle psychology.

Sri.H.S.Balasubramanya, who delivered the keynote address emphasized the importance of Humanity and value education. He explained the role of Indian Red Cross Society in fighting the Natural Calamities. He also briefed about the importance of Survival of the fittest theory in this pandemic situation which was very appealing. Sri.Dilip C.S gave a crisp speech emphasizing the mportance of YRC and also encouraged students to come forward for blood donation. Mr.Manoj Prabakar, Department of Commerce, delivered the vote of thanks. Jayantian Anthem marked the beautiful ending of the function.

 Student Life