BSC PME 2018

 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN103A11  Additional English I
 HIN103B11  Hindi I
 KAN103B11  Kannada I
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG103A11  English I
 PHY203A11  Physics I [Mechanics I, Heat and Thermodynamics I]
 PHY2L1A11  Physics Practical I
 UMT203A11  Mathematics I [Calculus and Analytical Geometry]
 UMT2L1A11  Mathematics Practical I
 ELE203A11  Electronics I [Basic Electronics I]
 ELE2L1A11  Electronics Practical I
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN103A21  Additional English II
 HIN103B21  Hindi II
 KAN103B21  Kannada II
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG103A21  English II
 PHY203A21  Physics II [Mechanics II, Heat and Thermodynamics II]
 PHY2L1A21  Physics Practical II
 UMT203A21  Mathematics II [Algebra and Differential Calculus]
 UMT2L1A21  Mathematics Practical II
 ELE203A21  Electronics II [Basic Electronics II]
 ELE2L1A21  Electronics Practical II
 NES102A01  Environmental Science
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN103A31  Additional English III
 HIN103B31  Hindi III
 KAN103B31  Kannada III
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG103A31  English III
 PHY203A31  Physics III [Electricity and Magnetism]
 PHY2L1A31  Physics Practical III
 UMT203A31  Mathematics III [Algebra, Differential Calculus, Improper Integrals and Linear Programming]
 UMT2L1A31  Mathematics Practical III
 ELE203A31  Electronics III [Digital Electronics and Verilog]
 ELE2L1A31  Electronics Practical III
 SSP4L2A01  Soft Skills Practices
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN103A41  Additional English IV
 HIN103B41  Hindi IV
 KAN103B41  Kannada IV
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG103A41  English IV
 PHY203A41  Physics IV [Optics and Fourier Series]
 PHY2L1A41  Physics Practical IV
 UMT203A41  Mathematics IV [Algebra, Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series]
 UMT2L1A41  Mathematics Practical IV
 ELE203A41  Electronics IV [Communication Systems]
 ELE2L1A41  Electronics Practical IV
   Generic Elective as per Annexure III
 LSE5A2A41  Life Skills Education
 Course Code  Course Title
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 PHY203A51  Physics V
 PHY2L2A51  Physics Practical V
 PHY203A52  Physics VI
 PHY2L2A52  Physics Practical VI
 UMT204A51  Mathematics V [Real and Complex Analysis]
 UMT2UMT204A5204A52  Mathematics VI [Total and Partial Differential Equations, Algebra and Numerical Analysis]
 UMT2L2A51  Mathematics Practical V
 ELE203A51  Electronics V [Advanced Communication Systems]
 ELE2L2A51  Electronics Practical V
 ELE203A52  Electronics VI [Microprocessor and Microcontroller]
 ELE2L2A52  Electronics Practical VI
   Extra Curricular and Extension Activities as per Annexure II
 Course Code  Course Title
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 PHY203A61  Physics VII
 PHY2L2A61  Physics Practical VII
 PHY203A62  Physics VIII
 PHY2L2A62  Physics Practical VIII
 UMT204A61  Mathematics VI [Vector Calculus and Integral Calculus]
 UMT204A62  Mathematics VIII [Matrices, Linear Algebra and Calculus of Variations]
 UMT2L2A61  Mathematics Practical II
 ELE203A61  Electronics VII [Digital Signal Processing]
 ELE2L2A61  Electronics Practical VII
 ELE2P2A62  Electronics Project Work
 Elective Courses [Any ONE to be opted]
 ELEA03A61  Electronics VIII [Biomedical Electronics]
 ELEB03A61  Electronics VIII [Elements of Nanotechnology and Microwaves]
 ELEC03A61  Electronics VIII [Instrumentation Devices and Systems]
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