Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN161201  Additional English I
 KAN161201  Kannada I
 HIN161201  Hindi I
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG161201  English I
 CSC151201  Computer Science I [Programming in C]
 CSC1512L1  Computer Science Practical I [Programming in C]
 ELE161201  Electronics I [Basic Electronics I]
 ELE1512L1  Electronics Practical I [Basic Electronics I]
 MAT151201  Mathematics I [Calculus and Analytical Geometry]
 MAT1512L1  Mathematics Practical I
 Non-Core Paper [Mandatory]
 NCS150101  Computer Fundamentals
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
  AEN162201  Additional English II
  KAN162201  Kannada II
  HIN162201  Hindi II
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
  ENG162201  English II
  CSC152201  Computer Science II [Data Structures]
 CSC1522L1  Computer Science Practical II [Data Structures ]
  ELE152201  Electronics II [Basic Electronics II]
  ELE1522L1  Electronics Practical II [Basic Electronics II]
 MAT152201  Mathematics II [Algebra and Differential Calculus]
 MAT1522L1  Mathematics Practical II
 Non-Core Paper [Mandatory]
 NHU150102  Indian Constitution
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN163201  Additional English III
 KAN163201  Kannada III
 HIN163201  Hindi III
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG163201  English III
 CSC153201  Computer Science III [Java Programming]
 CSC1532L1  Computer Science Practical III [Java Programming]
 ELE153201  Electronics III [Digital Electronics and Verilog]
 ELE1632L1  Electronics Practical III [Digital Electronics and Verilog]
 MAT153201  Mathematics III [Algebra, Differential Calculus, Improper Integrals and Linear Programming]
 MAT153202  Mathematics IV [Algebra, Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series]
 MAT1532L1  Mathematics Practical III
 Non-Core Paper [Mandatory]
 NHU150101  Environment Studies and Civic Sense
 Course Code  Course Title
 Second Language [Any One to be Opted]
 AEN164201  Additional English IV
 KAN164201  Kannada IV
 HIN164201  Hindi IV
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 ENG164201  English IV
 CSC154201  Computer Science IV [DBMS and Visual Programming ]
 CSC1542L1  Computer Science Practical IV [DBMS]
 ELE164201  Electronics IV [Communication Systems]
 ELE1542L1  Electronics Practical IV [Communication I]
 MAT154201  Mathematics V [Real and Complex Analysis]
 MAT1542L1  Mathematics Practical IV
   Choice Based Course
 Add-on Course
   Life Skill Education
 Course Code  Course Title
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 CSC155201  Computer Science V [Software Engineering]
 CSC155202  Computer Science VI [Operating System Concepts and UNIX /LINUX]
 CSC1552L1  Computer Science Practical VI [UNIX /LINUX]
 ELE165201  Electronics V [Advanced Communication Systems]
 ELE1552L1  Electronics Practical V [Communication II]
 ELE175202  Electronics VI [Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller]
 ELE1552L2  Electronics Practical VI [Microcontroller and Interfacing]
 MAT155201  Mathematics VI [Total and Partial Differential Equations, Particle Dynamics and Numerical Analysis]
 MAT1552L1  Mathematics Practical V
 Add-on Course
   Extension Activities
 Course Code  Course Title
 Core Papers [All Compulsory]
 CSC156201  Computer Science VII [Internet Technology]
 CSC1562P1  Computer Science VIII [Enterprise Computing Project Using .NET Technology]
 ELE176201  Electronics VII [Digital Signal Processing]
 ELE1562L1  Electronics Practical VII [Matlab]
 ELE156202  Electronics VIII [Biomedical Electronics]
 ELE1562L2  Electronics Practical VIII [Electronics Project Work]
 MAT156201  Mathematics VII [Geometry of Space Curves and Vector Calculus]
 MAT156202  Mathematics VIII [Matrices, Linear Algebra, Calculus of Variations and Fourier Transforms]
 MAT1562L1  Mathematics Practical VI

* A pass in the Non-Core Course is mandatory for pass status; However, marks secured in this Course is not considered for grand total / class / rank

Add–on Course A student has to complete the Add-on course before/during the prescribed semester, as scheduled by the respective department, for obtaining a pass status; however, the credits awarded for the same will not be considered for GPA calculations.

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