MSW 2021

 Course Code  Course Title
 MSW204A11  History and Philosophy of Social Work
 MSW204A12  Sociology for Social Workers
 MSW204A13  Social Case Work
 MSW204A14  Social Group Work
 MSW2F6B11  Concurrent Field Work I
 MLE5A2A01  Life Skills Education for Social Work Professionals
 Course Code  Course Title
 MSW204A21  Counselling: Theory and Practice
 MSW204A22  Psychology for Social Workers
 MSW204A23  Community Organization and Social Action
 MSW204A24  Social Work Research and Statistics
 MSW2F6B21  Concurrent Field Work II
 MSW2F2A22  Social Work Camp
 MGS502A01  Gender Sensitization Training
 Course Code  Course Title
 MSW204A31  Social Welfare Administration
 MSW2F6B31  Concurrent Field Work III
 MSW2F2A32  Minor Project
 Elective Groups [Any ONE to be opted]
 Human Resource Management
 MSWA04A31  Human Resource Management
 MSWA04A32  Labour Legislations
 Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
 MSWB04A31  Social Work in Health Care
 MSWB04A32  Family Social Work
 Social Development
 MSWC04A31  Rural and Tribal Community Development
 MSWC04A32  Project Formulation and Management
   As per Annexure III
 Course Code  Course Title
 MSW203B41  Correctional Social Work
 MSW203B42  Social Justice and Empowerment
 MSW2P6A41  Dissertation
 MSW2F6B41  Concurrent Field Work IV
 MSW2F4A42  Block Placement
 Elective Groups [Any ONE to be opted]
 Human Resource Management
 MSWA04A41  Industrial Relations
 MSWA04A42  Organizational Behaviour
 Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
 MSWB04A41  Psychiatric Social Work
 MSWB04A42  Health Care Administration
 Social Development
 MSWC04A41  Urban Community Development
 MSWC04A42  Social Entrepreneurship
Circular for End Semester Supplementary Examination Fee [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] |