Course Code  Course Title
 MEL204B11  Linguistics
 MEL204B12  Shakespearean Studies
 MEL204B13  The Augustan Age
 MEL204A14  The Romantic Age
 MEL204B15  The Victorian Age
 MEL402A11  Life Writing
 Course Code  Course Title
 MEL204B21  The Modern Age
 MEL204B22  Indian Writing in English
 MEL204B23  Literary Theory and Criticism –I
 MEL204A24  Subaltern Literature
 MEL204B25  American Literature
 MEL402B21  Creative Writing
 MEX5A1A01  Extension Activity
 Course Code  Course Title
 MEL204A31  English Language Teaching
 MEL204A32  Research Methodology
 MEL204A33  Postcolonial Literature
 MEL204B34  Literary Theory and Criticism - II
  Elective Courses [Any ONE to be opted]
 MELA04A31  Gender Studies
 MELB04A31  Film Studies
   As per Annexure III
  Any ONE to be opted
 MIP5R1A01  In-house Publication
 MTP5A1A01  Theatrical Production
 Course Code  Course Title
 MEL204A41  Literature from Diaspora
 MEL204A42  Indian Literatures in Translation
 MEL204A43  World Literature
 MEL2P6A41  Dissertation
 MEL2I4A41  Internship
  Elective Courses [ Any ONE to be Opted]
 MELA04A41  Russian Literature
 MELB04A41  French Literature
  Any ONE to be opted
 MOL502A01  Online Course
 MRP5R2A01  Research Paper Presentation / Publication
Bangalore University Examination Fee - Students of 2012 batch and preceding batches who have backlog papers in the I/III & V Semester can apply for the Bangalore University supplementary examination scheduled to be held in March/April 2025. [CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS] | 60th Convocation of Bangalore University CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION FORM