Life Sciences

What is the impact to health and Immunity if we inhale smoke pollutants from vehicles?


Inhaled particles from environmental pollutants..

How Active are Active Sites????????


How enzymes are able to achieve enormous rate enhancements remains a central question in biology. Our understanding on this to date has defined the drug development and even our appreciation..



Science is a subject that is driven solely by the force of curiosity and wonder. With determination to crack the mysteries of nature, people in the past strived in paths that led towards discoveries..

Changing Colors


Do you ever feel like sometimes you wish you could turn red just so others could see that you are angry? What if we changed to blue when we become sad? We would all become walking-talking indicators...



October 14 is considered as International E-waste Day. E-waste denotes any electrical..

NITTTR-AICTE-NITTT- Advanced Module – Clean Green and Sustainability- Video Shooting at KJC


AICTE and NITTTR have jointly embarked on a novel initiative of preparing training modules..

CUTTING CARBON EMISSION: DRIVE FOR GREEN FOOTPRINT-Awareness on Zero Emissions Day September 21, 2021


On the occasion of Zero Emissions Day, Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) and Centre for Social Activities (CSA)..

Minor Research Projects @Life Sciences-KJC


Problem statement- The organic compounds have a definite quantity of carbons which is arranged in a particular manner emphasis their utility. The solid fossil reserve which is widely exploited..

Vermicomposting Unit @KJC


Every creation of nature coincides with the cycle of the social food chain. The food links are attached one by one so that they can get the food they want. It is therefore important to incorporate the learning of nature into education. The modern education of globalization is uniting..

Clean and Smart Campus Award 2020


Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous has been awarded First Prize at the National level for the Clean and Smart Campus Award 2020 by AICTE, Government of India. The award was presented by Shri. Dharmendra Pradhan..

Our Today, Their Tomorrow (Poem)


More than ten billion people Live on this planet. Everyone is unique And live to make an everlasting mark. But our mere presence has already Been marked For the future generations and The journey they are going to embark..



Fungi that live on trees perform an important function in the forest ecosystem by breaking down dead wood. This is no easy feat, because wood is very resilient. It is held together by a biopolymer known as lignin..



An immune system mainstay in the fight against viruses may harm rather than help a pregnancy. In Zika-infected mice, this betrayal appears to contribute to fetal abnormalities linked to the virus..



The general, clear consensus is that DNA came last: it is too complicated to form without sophisticated catalytic help: DNA duplication requires coordinated enzymatic action to “unzip” the double-strand..

Tailoring Cyanobacterial Cell Factory for improved Industrial Properties


Photosynthetic bio manufacturing provides a promising solution for sustainable production of biofuels and biochemicals. Cyanobacteria are among the most promising microbial platforms..

Role of Bioflavonoids in Rotenone induced model of Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a multifactorial age related neurodegenerative disorder eliciting death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Investigations have been done using experimental..

Biochemistry – Mother of Biological Sciences


The National conference on Biochemistry-Transcending and integrating Life Sciences (NCBTIL) was organized by the Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on 17th and 18th January 2019..

Right Place for the Right Student- Biotechnology :KJC


Kristu Jayanti College started the Biotechnology programme during 2002. The department has all the facilities and infrastructure to cater to the needs of students while imparting necessary practical skills in addition..

Cultivate Yourself : Get Cultured – Microbiology Department :KJC


The department of Microbiology was established in the year 2004. The department is housed in the UG block with a spacious laboratory equipped with all necessary instruments and devices with the backup power facility..

Go Green To Keep World Clean


The Environment Club along with the Life Sciences Department conducted an environmental awareness programme on 19th December 2018. The programme was conducted in the college quadrangle. The event kicked off with a graceful dance which moved on to depict the relationship..

Creatrix-2018 -Life Sciences Exhibition


Creatrix 2018, an intra collegiate science exhibition steered annually by the Department of Life Sciences was organized on 14th December 2018. The budding scientists of our department presented many creative ideas as exhibits. We had 67 teams with a number of 3 in each group and were named..

Naturally Occurring Antibiotics


Dr. S.Jemimah Naine, Faculty Member, Department of LifeSciences of Kristu Jayanti College, is inspired by naturally occurring antibiotics and the organisms from which they come and my focus is in deciphering selective isolation of various marine bacteria for screening novel secondary metabolites..

Yogurt Production


Yogurt is a fermented milk product that contains the characteristic bacterial cultures Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. All yogurt must contain at least 8.25% solids not fat. Full fat yogurt must contain not less than 3.25% milk fat, lowfat yogurt not more than 2% milk fat, and nonfat yogurt less than 0.5% milk. Set type yogurt is when the yogurt is packaged..

What are Biofilms?


Biofilms are all around us, on us, and in us. Obviously, then, not all biofilms are harmful. Many play an important role in the ecology of the earth and the sustainability of life in general. The report on Global Environmental Change, points out that the basic chemistry of Earth’s surface is determined by biological activity, especially that of the many trillions of microbes in soil and water..

Rare Earth Elements as an Alternate Fertilizer


Rare earth elements in plants induce metabolism as a result they are used as fertilizer in agriculture. Different species of plants have different sensitivity to rare earth elements ant their concentrations, and are also affected by the application time. The acute toxicity of rare earth as fertilizer is low. Fertilization with rare earth elements..

Phytochemical Studies of Phyllanthus emblica, Ananas comosus, Momordica charantia


The study was carried out to screen phytoconstituents and evaluate the antioxidant activity of Phyllanthus emblica, Ananas comosus, Momordica charantia its potential as preservative. The antioxidant effects were evaluated..

Technology Transfer from Lab to Field


Biofertilizers are the efficient alternatives that are eco-friendly and have beneficial effect on reclamation of soil, improving the yield and quality of the crop. Hence, a study on the use of biofertilizers was made in the field provided by Alamba Charitable Trust, Gubbicross, Bangalore Rural district of Karnataka; to evaluate the efficacy of biofertilizer consortium developed in the Biotechnology..

Polytene Chromosome


Ms. Anju Betty Jose of III Semester B.Sc is fascinated to learn about the Cinderella of Genetics. Drosophila melanogaster has long been a favorite model system for studying the relationship between chromatin structure an gene regulation due to the cytological information provided by the salivary gland Polytene chromosome of the third instar larvae, Italian cytologist..

Medicinal Plant Garden


Plants are grown for many reasons: to please the eye or to please the soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow. A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches careful watchfulness..

Green initiatives in Kristu Jayanti College


Kristu Jayanti College aims to create awareness on various environmental issues prevalent today. Environmental issues are to be solved with highest priority so that the future generations may find earth worth living. Kristu Jayanti College strives to make the students conscious of their environmental responsibilities and practice the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling of resources. We are committed to working..

Even Micro Organism can Produce Electricity


Microorganisms enriched culture that is mixture of mud, cow dung, kitchen waste, two plastic containers, tightened container to restrict the entry of oxygen, (containers are used as cathode and anode chamber), Zinc sulfate solution is used in cathode, Salt bridge used as ion exchange membrane and electrodes were employed in the construction of the microbial fuel cell. The microorganism enriched culture is placed..

Sex Combs in Fruitfly


For those studying a subject of life science, the organism Drosophila melanogaster is as common as pizza or potato. The little fly, the tiny and seemingly calm one, that you can see sitting on fruits? That is Mr. Drosophila melanogaster for you. Drosophila melanogaster is his scientific name; for commoners, he goes by the simple name ‘Fruit fly’. Everything looks different under microscope. It’s a whole different world when observed close up..

On-going project in Centre for Research, Department of Lifesciences, KJC


The Centre for Research, Department of Life sciences Kristu Jayanti College aims to bring out the innovation skills and research ideology for the welfare of the society. The research unit has always been a step ahead to nurture and sparkle the young minds of the department. The centre has instituted Shodh Pravartan– Research grant for projects (minor and major) in pure science and social sciences..

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