KJC Medicinal Garden

Kadu mallige
Jasminum malabaricum

Order: Lamiales
Family: Oleaceae
Genus: Jasminum
Species: J.malabaricum
Common Names: Wild Jasmine, Malabar Jasmine
Native to Southern India

Other plants of the same genus with medicinal properties

    J. grandiflorum
    J. sambac
  • Climber shrub. Leaves opposite, simple, shortly acuminate,petiole 1cm long.
  • Trichotomously branched terminal cymes
  • Calyx 5-7 lobed and 1.2 cm long, subducted
  • Flower white in colour 6-10 lobed 2cm long
  • Fruits are black, ovoid and maybe single or in pairs

Uses in Tradition systems of medicine

  • Used in Ayurveda and siddha medicine.
  • Stem is used for the treatment of cataract
  • Stem sap is used in treating conjunctivitis
  • Leaf is crushed and used to treat cuts and wounds.
  • Used in blood purification
Nutritional Properties
  • Contains 14.43% protein, 21.36% crude fiber
  • Nitrogen free extract- 54.61%
  • 15.20% cellulose, 9.77% hemicellulose
  • 0.6% calcium, 0.28% phosphorous
  • Acid detergent fiber(ADF) and neutral detergent fiber(NDF)

Suggested Medicinal Properties

  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Neuropharmacological activity
  • Antifungal properties
  • Immunomodulatory action
  • Wound healing activity
  • Anticoagulant activity

Active Phytochemicals

1. 2-Methyl-2-bornene

2. Pentadecane

3. β-Caryophyllene

4. α-Farnesene
5. trans-Ocimene
6. 3-methylene-p-menth-8-ene

7. 2-Hexenyl propanoate
8. cis 3-Hexenyl tiglate
9. Linalool
10. Nerolidol
11. Cubenol
12. 2-(5-Methyl-5-vinyltetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2-propanol
13. 1-Hexen-3-ol
14. cis-Jasmone
15. α-iso-Methyl ionone
16. (2E)-5-Hydroxy-2-pentenenitrile
17. Indole


Sumangala HP, VK Rao, KS Shivashankara and Tapas Kumar Roy, High concrete and ester containing Jasmine species (Jasminum malabaricum Wight), International journal of chemical studies 2018; 6(2): 3008-3013.

Sapkale, A.S., Burte, R., Prasade, N., & Langade, P.D. (2013). Nutritional evaluation of Posari (Jasminum malabaricum) leaves in goats.

Prabhat Dessai, Rohit P. Sawant, IN-VITRO PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF JASMINUM MALABARICUM WIGHT, Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018; 9(1): 5076 - 5082