Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Ayapana
Species: Ayapana triplinervis (Vahl) R.M.King & H.Rob.
Common Names: Ayyappana
Native to Amazon rainforest of South America
Other name
Annual herbs or undershrubs, up to 75 cm tall; rooting at lower parts; stem creeping, red or purplish, striate, pubescent. Leaves simple, opposite, petiolate; lamina ca. 5-9.5 x 0.8-1.8 cm, lanceolate or elliptical, acute, narrowed at both ends, margins entire. Capitula terminal or in axils of upper leaves, in paniculate corymbs, campanulate; involucre campanulate, bracts 3-seriate, linear, gradually smaller centrifugally, acuminate, ciliate; receptacle flat, glabrous; florets pink; corolla infundibulate, 5-lobed. Achenes oblong, 5-ribbed, laxly pubescent on the ribs; pappus shorter, white.
Uses in Tradition systems of medicine
Crude leaf extracts of this herb show potent anti microbial activity. Essential oils obtained from the leaves bear anti tumor effects.
The leaves also show anti- helminthic and antioxidant properties.
From the Ayurvedic point of view, Ayapan is an herb that helps to balance kapha and pitta doshas in the body. It helps control and stop bleeding from open wounds and hastens wound healing and repair.
Ayapana has a special restorative effect on the pitta energy of the body. It is a very effective herbal supplement which helps keep blood composition within optimum limits.
Ayapana incorporates a general purifying report on the body. It helps revive liver role and cleans all body organs. This manner restores the cells and tissues of the body expanding the lifespan and imperatives of the body. Ayapana has antiseptic properties (gram free properties) which help in curative wounds and avoiding development of ulceration. When consumed orally it helps to stop haemorrhage in our body and it also heat ulceration anyplace within (or) inside the gout that prevents bleeding. It is helpful in ailments like gastric and duodenal ulcers, crohn’s disease and haemorrhoids. Ayapana leaves have properties which will manage fever, cough and cold naturally. Entire part of the plant together with stem, leaves and rats can be made into a decoction to get rid of malarial (protozoal infection) fever. For insect bites, injuries and bleeding bath internal and external sterile paste or glue of ayapana leaves can be handly. Ayapana is an extraordinary alternative or option for managing or dealing menstrual irregularities in females. Oral health issues like periodantitis and stomatitis can be reassured with the ulceration of new juice of the leaves of their plant.
1. Ayapan has a general detoxifying effect on the body. It helps revive liver function and cleanse all body organs. This way it helps to rejuvenate the cells and tissues of the body, increasing the longevity and vitality of the body.
2. Ayapan has antiseptic properties which help in healing wounds and preventing formation of ulcerations.
3. When consumed orally it helps prevent bleeding in any part of the body. It also helps heal ulceration anywhere inside the gut, preventing bleeding. It can therefore be very helpful in diseases like gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn's disease, IBS, haemorrhoids, anal fistula etc.
4. Ayapan is great for clearing out the bowels; it helps prevent colitis and inflammation in the intestines due to its pitta shamak properties. When the intestines are clear and healthy, skin condition improves and abdominal problems like acidity, gastritis and bloating can be easily relieved. Even in cases of large abdominal distension such as ascites, it can be given to the patient.
5. Ayapan leaves have properties that can manage fever, cough and cold naturally.
6. Whole parts of the plant including the stem, leaves and roots can be made into a decoction to relieve malarial fever.
7. For insect bites, wounds and bleeding both internal or external, sterile paste of Ayapan leaves can be very handy.
8. Oral health problems like gingivitis and stomatitis can be relieved with the use of fresh juice of the leaves of this plant.
9. Ayapan is a great option for managing menstrual irregularities in females. This property of the herb is attributed to its pitta pacifying effects on the body. The general cooling effect of the herb helps regulate the hormonal imbalance and strengthens the female reproductive system.
10. Laboratory studies conducted on the leaf extracts of this plant have shown a considerable degree of antifungal and anti microbial effects.
Active Phytochemicals
Leaves-contains an essential oil, coumarins ayapanin and ayapin, stigmasterol, esculetin methylene ether (the methylene ether and esculatine), vitamin c and carotene.
Ayapanin and ayapin are non-lethal, neamostatic properties and powerful when applied locally or when directed by subcutaneous infusion or orally. Leaves of the plant contain ayapanin and ayapin long with carotene and vitamin C. The plant yields many chemicals such as coumarins chemicals, cineol, alpha phellandrene, alphatereneol, ayapanin. ayapin, coumarine, sabinene, umbliferone and many others.
Haddad JG, Picard M, Bénard S, Desvignes C, Desprès P, Diotel N, El Kalamouni C. Ayapana triplinervis Essential Oil and Its Main Component Thymohydroquinone Dimethyl Ether Inhibit Zika Virus at Doses Devoid of Toxicity in Zebrafish. Molecules. 2019 Sep 23;24(19):3447. doi: 10.3390/molecules24193447. PMID: 31547527; PMCID: PMC6804133.