KJC Medicinal Garden

Kadu haralu
Baliospermum montanum

Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Baliospermum
Species: B. Montanum
Common Names: Hastidanti, Red physic nut, Wild castor, Wild croton, Wild sultan seed
Native to Southeast Asia and the Himalayas

Other plants of the same genus with medicinal properties

    B. angustifolium
    B. bilobatum
    B. calycinum
    B. yui
    B. analayanum
    B. malayanum
    B. reidioides
  • Perennial stout undershrub (3.5 m tall), Woody base, herbaceous branches from roots
  • Leaves: Simple, sinuate, toothed, varies in shape and size (upper one: long petioled, lower one: long orate)
  • Stems are anti-dontalgic.
  • Flowers: Unisexual, numerous, arranged in axillary racemes
  • Fruits: Capsules, long, obovoid.
  • Seeds: Ellipsoid, smooth, mottled.

Uses in Tradition systems of medicine

  • Used in Ayurveda and Unani
  • Roots, leaves and seeds are used for the treatment of constipation, abdominal pain, dropsy, anascara, jaundice, asthma, calculus, hemorrhoids, helmenthic infections, scabies, dermic infections, supparative ulcers and diseases.
  • Served as decoction, Used as poultice, purgative, stimulant and rubefacient externally
  • Finds mention in Charakasamhita (Ayurvedic text)
  • Word Danti means “the snaketooth”
Nutritional Properties
  • Carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, steroids, glycosides, coumarin, fatty acids and amino acids.
  • Saponins, tannins, anthroquinones, terpenoids and phenols.
  • Glycoterpenoids, titerpenoids, diterpenes.

Suggested Medicinal Properties

  • Purgative
  • Thermogenic
  • Diuretic
  • Anthelmintic
  • Hydroxynitrile Lyase (HNL) Activity
  • Laxative
  • Immunomodulatory activity
  • Blood purifier

Active Phytochemicals

1. Montanin (C32H48O8; yield, 0.018%)
2. baliospermin (0.003%)
3. 12-deoxyphorbol-13-palmitate (0.021%)
4. 12-deoxy- 16-hydroxyphorbol-13-palmitate (0.001 %)
5. 12-deoxy- 5β-hydroxyphorbol-13-myristate (0.007%)
6. Alkaloids (6.2-9.5%)
7. Flavonoids (35.63-43.33%)
8. Saponins (9.9 to 13.2%)
9. Phenolics (38.43 to 43.44%)
10. Tannins (13.26 to 18.3%)
11. Terpenoids (25.36 to 33.4%)


Mali, R. and Wadekar, R., 2008. Baliospermum montanum (Danti): Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology- A review. International Journal of Green Pharmacy (Int J Green Pharm)