KJC Medicinal Garden

Halavu makkala taayi ber
Asparagus racemosus

Order: Asparagales
Family: Asparagaceae
Genus: Asparagus
Species: racemosus
Common Names: Satawari, buttermilk root
Native to: Indian, Nepal

Other plants of the same genus with medicinal properties

    Symphytum officinale

Common comfrey is a perennial herb that grows between 50 and 150 cm tall from a thick, branched taproot. The plant is covered in spreading, downward- curved, conical, bristly hairs. Stems are ascending to erect and hollow. Stem ridges, which run down the stems from the leaf bases, are present on the internodes

Uses in Tradition systems of medicine

Comfrey root has been used as a traditional medicinal plant for the treatment of painful muscle and joint complaints for centuries.Native in Europe, the plant has an impressive record of medicinal use

Nutritional Properties

Comfrey also contains bone strengthening vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium. In most instances,

Suggested Medicinal Properties

Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy. Comfrey ointments have been used to heal bruises as well as pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures, sprains, strains, and osteoarthritis

Active Phytochemicals

Comfrey contains substances that help skin regrow, including allantoin, rosmarinic acid, and tannins. It also has poisonous chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids.