KJC Library has the following services
The library follows an Open Access policy. You can pick a book of your choice from the shelves and may refer to it in the library or borrow them.
Reference Service
Reference material like dictionaries, yearbooks, encyclopaedias, hand books and manuals are available in the reference section. The library staff will help to find information which is available in-house.
Reprographic & Printing Service
Photocopying and printing facility is available at reasonable cost in the library. This service is limited to library materials without violating the copy right law.
Institutional Repository
Faculty publications (Institutional repository) and other publications of the university are available online through the library OPAC.
Off-Campus Access
Faculty and research scholars have facility of off-campus access to many databases and e-journals by using remote access server. For any clarification please send your request to library@kristujayanti.com
Information Desk
Provides an expanded, integrated service point of the library. This service focuses on helping researchers locate specific journals, books, search databases and capture search results at their point of need, as a complement to the in-depth research assistance available from the Reference Desk.
Document Delivery Services
KJC library arranges photocopies of articles from journals, conference proceedings that are not available in its collection from different sources. This service is offered within the purview of copyright laws. To make a request please email to library@kristujayanti.com
Library Awareness
As part of our user awareness program, the library regularly organizes orientation / Training programs on library resources and services. Members can meet the Librarian for discussions
News Paper Clippings
The Press Cutting Service plays a vital role like Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), Current Contents Service, Book Alert Service, etc.